Learning languages opens up completely new possibilities. Statistics say that people who speak foreign languages in adulthood earn much more than people who have only graduated from university.
In addition, knowledge of languages increases self-confidence, creativity and creates great opportunities to acquire new knowledge from around the world. This is why the third part of Expert Teddy Experty has been dedicated to such an important skill.
The simplest answer is it is about foreign languages. It’s not just about learning methods (although that’s an important part of the story), but also understanding what the exact process of learning a new language looks like.
Teddy Experty, who had excellent grades at school, also had problems communicating with foreigners. How is that possible? School methods are predictable, boring and “not very life-like” – that’s why many adults do not remember anything from the lessons.
You might be wondering how it is even possible to learn and communicate in a foreign language in just a few months. The methods taught by Teddy Experty involve many senses. They are so natural that the knowledge comes into your mind effortlessly.
Knowing foreign languages has only advantages, and the list is practically endless. Ease of travel, access to more resources (books, films, videos) and contacts from all over the world. There are also health benefits because learning foreign languages has a great effect on memory and minimizes the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
Knowing foreign languages also has the added benefit of increased self-confidence, creativity, and self-esteem. In addition, it improves our position in the professional market – regardless of the type of work performed.
Perhaps you do not need to know foreign languages, but it is definitely worth it. It’s best to start learning as early as possible – before the school system has time to instill the myth of „language talent”.
As the title suggests, the book shows you how to learn foreign languages. The right learning methods are the key to your success with which you can learn literally any language. English, Spanish or maybe even Chinese? Nothing is preventing you from knowing them all.
Teddy Experty and his friends found out about it themselves. Each of them started at a different level to be able to communicate confidently in their chosen language. You do not need to have any special abilities or talents, because literally everyone has the ability to speak several foreign languages.
This book introduces you to the most effective methods that do not require forging words or tedious grammar repetition. Such techniques can be put on the shelf under the heading “Ways of Ineffective Learning.” Instead, your child will engage various senses while learning new words, start using game applications that will make learning more enjoyable and – above all – will speak a new language.
After all, this is all about communication.
The next adventure of Teddy Experty is a universal book, which will be enjoyed by young readers of all ages. Contrary to popular belief, you can learn foreign languages at any age – you just need to know how.
Each subsequent chapter introduces a new technique, and Special Missions which
help to apply the methods in real life. Thanks to this, it is not a book where the contents can be immediately forgotten, but an effective study guide.
Your child doesn’t like cramming foreign words? Teddy Experty does not like it much either. Thanks to the help of wise friends, he has found much better ways and most importantly – much more effective.
Read this book with your child as you too can benefit from these methods (some require only a few minutes a day). Learning together as a family is always more enjoyable.
At first he wanted to become a physicist. He graduated from two universities, and his re- sume includes the position of forester. Currently, he devotes himself to his passion for writing books.
As a result of his professional experience, he concluded that one of the most important life skills is being resourceful and entrepreneurial. He lacked proper books that would teach children such attitudes from an early age. That is why he created an entire series of adven- tures and magical stories that in a fun and accesible way introduce children to the secrets of financial intelligence.
Inteligentny, oczytany, rozwojowy i gotowy na inwestowanie w siebie!
Zostań z nami, a postawisz kolejny krok w kierunku świadomego rozwoju.
Ps: Po zakupie poznasz naszego… albo nie będziemy spojlerować. Sprawdź to sam ;-)