After the huge success of the first of many of Teddy Experty’s adventures, it’s time for the next book in the series. This time the little bear goes a step further and learns several things at once.
Studying at school, helping with household chores, reading, eating healthier – these are habits that need to be developed. Teach your child how to do it wisely by giving them the book „Teddy Experty Introduces Habits”.
„Teddy Experty Introduces Habits” was created for children based off of one of the flagship items in our publishing house, the book by Matt Wieczorek entitled „Habits 2.0”.
This children’s book teaches what is probably the most important skill in the world. One on which all goals and plans are based, but not only that, it teaches valuable skills that are applicable to everyday life. It is the type of book that can be applied to people of all ages.
The ability to introduce habits.
Systematic homework, limiting the time spent playing computer games, eating healthy, developing passion for hobbies, attending extra-curricular activities – these are all habits. Habits can also be oversleeping, staring at the phone constantly, lack of exercise and being messy. These are unwanted habits that do not often improve the quality of our life.
Fortunately, your child can replace unwanted habits with better ones. The most important part is that they can do it correctly the first time so that this essential skill will stay with them throughout their life.
It is essential for them to learn to replace bad habits with good ones. On this journey, his teacher will be Teddy Experty. Teddy is looking to make some changes in his life as he has gained a few kilos since his last adventure (too many sweets and lack of exercise turned out to be disastrous). He also finds that he spends too many hours in front of the computer and forgets to wash his hands.
Teddy will learn how to exercise more, play less, and eat healthier. Your child will discover how alongside him.
What does this book teach?
This book does NOT show you step by step how to introduce a particular habit, because that would be pointless. There are as many habits as there are people in the world. Possibly even more because each of us has from but a few habits to several dozen.
Which kind of habits does your child have? Do they get up willingly for school or do you have to force them out of bed? Are they whining and protesting at the sight of green additions to their dinner, or maybe they reach for vegetables and fruits themselves? In their spare time do they sit locked in their room and play games on the console for hours on end, or do they read books one after the other?
The examples are endless because basically the whole day consists of different habits. So, let’s make sure they are as good as possible.
This is what the book „Teddy Experty Introduces Habits” teaches children. It teaches them how to implement habits wisely, effectively, and enjoyably, with small but conscious steps. It removes the focus from being only on the goal to be achieved.
With Teddy Experty, your child will learn the language, correct order of how to do things, how to introduce healthy foods to their meals, start spending time outdoors and much, much more.
Certainly, there are already “some” educational books for kids on the market that show you how to learn a new skill. Exactly… some.
Usually, one book is one skill / one habit. Not in the case of Teddy Experty.
„Teddy Experty Introduces Habits” is multidimensional book, which is a term we use with great pride. It is like the first piece in a domino with which it all begins. It shows you how to learn and use ANY positive habit and how to get rid of the harmful ones.
Your child alongside Teddy Experty will learn that you don’t need to have willpower and motivation. By changing their habits, they will completely change their lives, even when the initial goal seemed difficult to achieve.
„Teddy Experty Introduces Habits” may be the most important book your child will ever read.
At first he wanted to become a physicist. He graduated from two universities, and his re- sume includes the position of forester. Currently, he devotes himself to his passion for writing books.
As a result of his professional experience, he concluded that one of the most important life skills is being resourceful and entrepreneurial. He lacked proper books that would teach children such attitudes from an early age. That is why he created an entire series of adven- tures and magical stories that in a fun and accesible way introduce children to the secrets of financial intelligence.
Inteligentny, oczytany, rozwojowy i gotowy na inwestowanie w siebie!
Zostań z nami, a postawisz kolejny krok w kierunku świadomego rozwoju.
Ps: Po zakupie poznasz naszego… albo nie będziemy spojlerować. Sprawdź to sam ;-)